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Jun 16, 2008:
The offical web page of the URJC Complex Systems Group (CSG) is created. From now on it will be an opened window to the outside world...

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Our teaching duties are developed at Móstoles (URJC), a town 20 km south from Madrid, but our research takes placed in the Biological Networks Laboratory, placed at Pozuelo de Alarcón (CTB), a town 10 km west from Madrid.


c/ Tulipán sn
Departamental II (142)
28933 Móstoles

Centro de Tecnología Biomédica
Campus Montegancedo (UPM)
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón

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Welcome to the Complex Systems Group!

URJC Rectorado Building

This is the web page of the Complex Systems Group (C.S.G.) of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Fuenlabrada (Madrid), Spain. In the following web pages you can find a complete description of the group interests, publications and participation in conferences. We hope that you will find it uselful and do not hesitate to contact us in case of any comment or suggestion...

Brief description of the group

On June of year 2008, four young but enthusiastic scientists create the Complex Systems Group of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. The objective of the group is to investigate the properties and characteristics of complex systems in a motivating working atmosphere. Since its origins, it is an open group, which is willing to collaborate with scientists coming from other groups/universities/countries...