official web page
June 15, 2008:
Four young (but enthusiastic) scientists create the Complex Systems
Group. Here you can find a brief description of their (promising)
These are the people involved under this project...
Juan A. Almendral was born in Salamanca, one of the most beautiful cities in Spain, in 1971. He graduated both in Physics and Mathematics in the University of Salamanca and studied a Master on Multivariate Statistic and Artificial Intelligence in Bilbao, Spain. After working in a bank for a short time, and be willing to make much less money, he joined in 2001 the Rey Juan Carlos University where he got his Ph.D. working on Complex Networks. He mainly focused on the taxonomy of real networks, diffusion processes and dynamics on networks. Currently, his research goes on deepening the relationship between structure and function found in collective phenomena, especially in biological systems.
Inmaculada Leyva was born in Granada, Spain, in 1973. She graduated and doctorated in Physics in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) in 1996 and 2001 respectively. During the Ph.D. she studied experimental and theoretically diverse aspects of the optical turbulence in high power lasers. Since 2000 she is a tenure scientist at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Móstoles, Spain. Her actual research interests are dynamics of extended systems, laser dynamics, biological modelling and collective phenomena in Complex Networks.
Javier M. Buldú was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1974. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in applied physics from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (U.P.C.), Spain, in 1998 and 2003, respectively. After two years working as an electrical engineer, he joined the Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, UPC, where his subject of study was the dynamics of semiconductor lasers, on which he has published several articles containing numerical and experimental results. Since 2006, he is a tenure scientist at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (U.R.J.C.), Móstoles, Spain. He is currently working on Complex Networks, modelling of neuronal and genetic systems, laser dynamics and synchronization phenomena.
Irene Sendina-Nadal is a product of the immigration phenomenon and as so she was born in Aarberg, Switzerland, in 1973 but she grew up in a small village ("aldea", like the Asterix and Obelix's one) named Eirapedriña near Santiago de Compostela, Galicia. She graduated in Physics in 1996 and got her Ph.D. in 2001 at the University of Santiago de Compostela under the supervision of Vicente Pérez Muñuzuri and Moncho Gómez Gesteira on pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems. Her work was mainly experimental with the photosensitive BZ reaction which was used to study the influence of spatio-temporal fluctuations on wave propagation and formation. Nowadays she's a tenure scientist at the URJC where she works on synchronization phenomena in Complex Networks, especially within the context of biology.
Stefano Boccaletti was born in Florence, Italy, in 1966. He graduated in Physics summa cum laude at the University of Florence in June 1992 presenting a research thesis regarding the study of complexity in nonlinear optics. Subsequent researches on morphogenesis in extended media were completed as a PhD thesis, which was awarded in 1995. His major research lines regarded the theoretical modeling of pattern formation and competition in nonlinear active and passive optics, in excitable media, the study of adaptive strategies for chaos recognition, control and synchronization, the theoretical discussion of quantum classical correspondence for classically chaotic systems, and, lately, the study of synchronization in spatially extended systems and in complex networks. At present he is a research Scientist at the Institute of Complex Systems of the CNR, Florence and Scientific Attache' at the Italian Embassy in Tel Aviv.
Massimiliano Zanin was born in Verona, Italy, in 1982, and came to Spain sixteen years after. He is a chaotic and complex young researcher, especially interested in complex and chaotic systems. His field of research spans from the dynamics in complex networks, the study of the air transportation network, up to recommendation systems and cryptography. He is now working within Innaxis, a Spanish private, non-profit research institute, devoted to the promotion of Complexity Science and its applications. More information can be found in his personal webpage ( and inside the Innaxis portal.